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More than 70 PhD researchers from all over the world participated in 2019 edition of the 2-week winter school 'Understanding Molecular Simulations' (MolSim). Scientists from the Computational Chemistry group of HIMS provided a varied program of lectures and hands-on lab courses.
The 2019 Group
Participants and Staff of Molsim2019

The MolSim school is a yearly event, organized by the Amsterdam Center for Multiscale Modeling (ACMM) and supported by CECAM, the European organisation promoting fundamental research on advanced computational methods and their application to important problems in frontier areas of science and technology. 

During the course the postersession allowed participants to present their work, exchange ideas and enhance their network, all in a very informal setting.

From January 7 to 18, ACMM scientists from the Computational chemistry group of the HIMS institute provided a varied program of lectures and hands-on lab courses. Among the lecturers were Daan Frenkel, Berend Smit, David Dubbeldam, Bernd Ensing, Jocelyne Vreede, Peter Bolhuis, and Evert Jan Meijer (also coordinator).

Part of the MolSim-2019 programme was also attended by local students from the regular UvA/VU master programs. 


Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry

The Amsterdam Center for Multiscale Modeling

CECAM (Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire)