Annual Report 2020
Research output 2020 per type of publication (source: PURE).
All PhD candidates conducting research with the primary aim/obligation of graduating, based on a 0.8-1.0 FTE contract. This includes PhD candidates with employee status and contract PhD candidates without employee status. The second category receives external funding or a university scholarship to conducting research under the authority of the research unit with the primary aim of graduating.
The graph below shows the duration of promotion tracks at HIMS (from start to hora est) in months for the past years. Each dot represents a single PhD. Externally prepared promotions are not taken into account.
The table below presents the HIMS staff numbers (average headcount in 2020) and in Research FTE. Research FTE means net time available for research as full-time equivalents (FTE) per employment type. The numbers are based on an input of 0.5 FTE per FTE Scientific staff, 0.9 FTE per FTE Post-docs, 0.75 FTE per FTE PhD students, and 1.0 FTE per FTE Technicians, Visiting Fellows and Support staff. Detailed information on these numbers is available as supporting information. The following tables total the complete HIMS staff as full-time equivalents (fte) per employment type per research theme.
Age, gender, and nationality distribution of scientific staff of HIMS ultimo 2020.
The HIMS institute is financed via different funding streams:
Last but not least HIMS welcomes a group of guest researchers. These are usually PhD students with a scholarship (bursalen) or senior researchers employed elsewhere having a sabbatical. The tables below give an insight into the distribution of funds and the funding of staff salaries only.
Research- and supporting staff 2020 of HIMS per funding type (fte)
Externally financed projects acquired in 2020 (mln €) per funding type.
The HIMS result for 2020 amounts to +1.6 Mio€. These concern reservations from past budgets for costs in the framework of the Sectorplan Natuur- en Scheikunde and the RPA Sustainable Chemistry foreseen. Due to the pandemic travel restrictions many new hires arrived later than budgeted. Spending , especially on congresses and travel was lower than in usual years. The institutes is required to have a reserve of minimal 10% of its annual revenue to which the surplus is counted in part as well.