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Management Team

Prof. dr. B. (Bas) de Bruin

Scientific Director, room E1.48

Dr. S.N.F. (Stephan) van Duren

Institute Manager, room C2.231

Prof. dr. W.J. (Wybren Jan) Buma

Faculty of Science

Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences

Prof. dr. P.G. (Peter) Bolhuis

Faculty of Science

Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences

Prof. dr. G.L. (Garry) Corthals

Faculty of Science

Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences

Dr. M.A. (Tati) Fernández Ibáñez

Faculty of Science

Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences

Support team

J.H. (Jitske) Roosjen

Assistant Institute Manager

L.A. (Laura) Bastiaans-Tomé

Room C2.238

R.B. (Renate) Hippert

Room C2.238

C. (Christina) Santaka

Room C2.238

S.W.M. (Saskia) Spruyt

Room C2.238

Special tasks

Ing. N.J. (Norbert) Geels

Safety and Health

Dr. R. (Rachel) Scheffelaar