In 2010 I joined HIMS and in 2011 I received an NWO-VIDI grant to start up a group working on the modeling of metal-organic frameworks. My current position is associate professor in the computational chemistry group. My research focusses on developing next-generation multifunctional porous materials for adsorption and catalysis applications. Target applications include separations, air purification, carbon capture, energy storage, chemical sensing, and catalysis. I published 4 book chapters, 7 review articles, and (co-)authored over 140 peer-reviewed articles on a variety of topics: lattice gases, lattice Boltzmann; adsorption, diffusion, and catalysis in nanoporous materials. I am main author of the RASPA and iRASPA software packages that are in use by thousands of researchers.
I joined HIMS as a postdoc in the Computational Chemistry group with an NWO-Vidi grant in 2007, became assistant professor in 2010, and was promoted to associate professor in 2015. My research interest revolves around development and application of multiscale modeling techniques to simulate complex chemical processes, such as signal transduction, enzymatic conversions, bio-inspired catalysis, and electrochemistry. Since 2019, I am also director of the FNWI AI4Science Laboratory, which is concerned with the development and application of machine learning algorithms for scientific data generated in the different science institutes.
In 2015, I started my adventure at HIMS as an Assistant Professor (Tenure Track). I received several grants in this period such as NWO-VIDI grant and NWO-LIFT grant together with the researcher from DSM Chem Tech R&D B.V. My research interests focus on the development of new catalytic methodologies for the synthesis of highvalue chemicals and materials. At present, I am mainly dealing with the discovery of new catalytic systems for the direct and selective functionalization of inert C-H bonds. Besides this, I am member of the Backer Prize Committee for selecting the best organic chemistry thesis in The Netherlands annually and board member of the Women in FNWI (WiF).
I joined HIMS in 2009 as a postdoc, appointed as assistant professor in 2011 and promoted to associate professor in 2018. Since 2020, I lead the Functional Materials group which focuses on the synthetic design of inorganic and hybrid inorganicorganic materials for applications in molecular separations, chemical sensing, catalysis and as proton conductive membranes for fuel cells. I received several NWO grants as PI and co-PI (NWO-Veni, Van Gogh, Mat4Sus, ZonMw) to pursue research in the field of functional materials. My ambition is to design molecular materials involving interplay and synergy between multiple physical properties and to integrate them in single device components that can perform more than one task.
In July 2015, I joined HIMS with a tenure-track as the group leader of Biocatalysis group. This year, I successfully completed the track and I am currently associate professor at HIMS. I was recipient of European grants (Marie Curie fellowship, ERC Starting Grant), national Dutch grant (NWO-Echo, TKI) and other international fellowships for PhD students (CSC, MIUR). I have published over 50 research articles including publications in Science, Nat. Catal., Nat. Commun., JACS, Angew. Chem., Green Chem., several book chapters and five world patents. My research interests lie at the interface between chemical and biological sciences with focus on fundamental studies of enzyme catalysis and mechanism; enzyme engineering; the development of multi-enzymatic cascades either in batch or in flow for the sustainable manufacturing of chemical products; and synthetic biochemistry in vivo.
I joined HIMS in 2016 with an NWO-VIDI grant and became a MacGillavry fellow in 2019. I have a research group in organic chemistry from space to the origins of (universal) life and mostly teach interdisciplinary courses. My interstellar-chemistry focus involves combined experimental and theoretical work on (cold) gas-phase spectroscopy and photochemistry of (hydro)carbon species. My origins research focuses on possible alternative building blocks of life and their prebiotic chemistry routes under varying planetary conditions. My research is highly interdisciplinary and I have collaborations with astronomy (API, Leiden Observatory, NASA ARC), geosciences (UU), biology (SILS), FELIX Laboratory (RU), and more. My research is mainly funded by NWO (VIDI, Dutch Astrochemistry Network, Planetary and Exoplanetary Science) and the national ORIGINS Center.
I am Associate Professor and part of the Chemometrics and Advanced Separations Team (CAST) of the Analytical Chemistry group in HIMS. Currently, I focus on the development of multi-dimensional separation methods for complex mixtures, as well as investigating algorithms to improve method-development workflows and data analysis for analytical systems. These pillars recently culminated in the 1.2M EUR granted NWO ENW-PPS PARADISE project with Prof. Arian van Asten (HIMS) and Prof. Govert Somsen (VU). In April 2020, I was appointed visiting research professor at Gustavus Adolphus College, MN, United States. I was decorated with the Shimadzu Young-Scientist Award in 2015, the Csaba Horváth Young-Scientist Award in 2017 and the Journal of Chromatography Award in 2018.
I joined HIMS in 2009 as assistant professor after postdoctoral stays in UK and USA. In 2016 I became Associate Prof. I am working in the area catalytic processes for commercially important chemical transformations. I won the Amsterdam Science Park Ideas Prize for the discovery of a new catalyst in 2010 and received Emerging Investigator award (nano-structured materials) by ICNM. One of my patents was sold to DSM Fibre Intermediates B.V. in 2012. I obtained national and European grants in the areas of CO2 conversion, specialty chemicals and biomass conversion. I am a member of the editorial board of the journals Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry and FlatChem and also a board member of the Dutch Zeolite Association and Biobased world advisory board.
In 2006 I joined HIMS as a postdoc working on conformational transitions in light receptors using molecular simulation. I became an assistant professor in 2011, focusing on applying advanced simulation methods to investigate biologically relevant processes in proteins and DNA, in close collaboration with various experimental groups. I received several grants from NWO. Currently, I am investigating how proteins detect external signals such as ions, as well as how they pass on and amplify information in biological signal transduction pathways. With a recent NWO-Klein-2 grant I am now looking into the molecular mechanisms of DNA organization with implications for transcription and replication.