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Please find below an overview of the online event ACID 2020 on 30 October, 2020.


Mr. Victor Everhardt (Vice Mayor of Economic Affairs and the Amsterdam Harbour, City of Amsterdam)
Keynote lectures
13.05 Dr. Marcus Remmers, CTO DSM The DSM Journey: science-based solutions to create brighter lives for all
13.35 Manon Bloemer MBA, Director Royal VNCI Innovate with purpose
14.05 Prof. Dr. Timothy Noël, UvA Innovation in synthetic methodology through use of flow  
14.35 break
14.40 Parallel session
15.30 Closure

Parallel sessions

a. Careers in chemistry - special session for BSc-, MSc, PhD & Postdoc
Q&A session of students with expert panel: Dr. Marcus Remmers (CTO, DSM), Manon Bloemer MBA (Director Royal VNCI), Dr. Marissa de Boer (CEO, SusPhos)

b. What AI and data can add to chemistry?
Experts of Artificial Intelligence and data science introduce the added value of these tools for chemical innovation. With Dr. Ir. Bernd Ensing, Dr. Saer Samanipour and Dr. Alina Astefanei.

c. Life science valorization at VU University
dr. Marlous Blankesteijn & prof. Bart Bossink
Bachelor, Master, and PhD-students from the Science, Business & Innovation Division of VU Amsterdam, study valorization of science-driven and technology-induced life & health innovations in actual practice, in the very context wherein the innovation process takes place. This session delves into the basics of this and presents actual examples and outcomes of this research.

d. Chemical industry in urban development area
Amsterdam urban areas expand towards chemical plants that were one constructed in rural, open areas.  How can we make the optimal fit for space still available? Ir. Frits van der Sluis from Albemarle Catalysts Company in Amsterdam shares his experiences.

