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Dr Ioana M. Ilie has been appointed as tenure track assistant professor at the Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS). In her research, she unravels the complex interplay between the structure and function of biological and bio-inspired systems, using computational modelling based on the underlying biochemistry and physics. The appointment of Dr Ilie is part of the 'Connecting Science' programme of the Faculty of Science.
Dr Ioana Ilie studied Engineering Physics (graduated summa cum laude) as well as Business Administration at the Babes-Bolyai University, Romania. In 2011 she obtained her MSc in Computational Physics and her MBA. From 2011-2015 she did her PhD in the field of Computational Biophysics with Prof. Wim Briels and Dr Wouter den Otter at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, where she developed coarse grained models for intrinsically disordered proteins. As a postdoctoral researcher she switched focus towards higher resolution models. During her visit in the group of Prof. Nico van der Vegt at the University of Darmstadt, Germany, she investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying fibril elongation (2016/2017). She then became a Peter und Traudl Engelhorn Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Zürich, Switzerland. Photo by Steven Kohl Photography.

Dr Ilie will join the Computational Chemistry theme at HIMS where she will use multiscale simulations to design novel bio-inspired systems and study complex (bio)chemical and physical processes that are of technological and clinical relevance. In particular, she will design nanoparticles that enable cellular drug delivery with high precision and minimal membrane damage. Additionally, her group will design and validate agents that modulate the activity of proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Dr Ilie’s research will also complement the broad research lines in bio-oriented chemistry both at UvA and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), such as enzyme engineering (HIMS Biocatalysis group), smart materials (HIMS Molecular Photonics group), and peptide biochemistry and crystallography (VU Biomimetic Chemistry group).

Prior to her tenure track appointment as an assistant professor at HIMS, Dr Ilie was a postdoctoral fellow with a Peter und Traudl Engelhorn Fellowship at the University of Zurich, Switzerland in the group of Prof. Amedeo Caflisch. There she focused on the design of genetically engineered antibodies, epigenetic modifications and aggregation of proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases.

Connecting Science programme

Dr Ilie has been appointed within the framework of the Connecting Science programme of the Faculty of Science. Funded by the national Sectorplan for Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics, it strives to exploit opportunities for synergy through interdisciplinary research subjects, strengthening academic collaboration with public and private partners and creating an environment where co-creation can flourish.

Dr I.M. (Ioana) Ilie

Faculty of Science

Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences