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The Molecular Photonics group has identified three key research areas in which it aims to expand its leading role:

Dynamics of supramolecular and biomolecular systems

  • This research addresses the dynamics of synthetic motor molecules and (photoactive) proteins (peptides). In the past decade group research in this field has attracted a lot of attention, leading to many high-impact papers and to the Descartes prize of the European Commission in 2008.

Photoprocesses in nanostructures

  • The photophysical and photochemical processes in nanostructures of various kinds are hot topics in current research worldwide. The group research in this area focuses on three types of systems: upconversion nanoparticles, silicon nanostructures, and molecule/metal assemblies.

Photochemical processes

  • In many areas of research and technology photochemical methods are widely applied, although users rarely have the knowledge needed to push the applications to their limits. The group seeks to apply its knowledge and experimental facilities - amongst others - in the fields of energy conversion (solar fuel, photocatalysis) and the use of luminescent probes and markers.


For more information on one of the group's major research topics, visit: