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Mental problems

If you run into any mental issues, such as feelings of depression or being overwhelmed, there is help available for you. Outside of finding a solution with your supervisor, the following contact points are present.

The company doctor can be contacted when you feel that you struggle with physical of psychological issues hampering your work. You can contact the HIMS institute manager to refer you. Contact details : Dr. Namdran, tel.: 020-525 6210, e-mail:

PhD candidates can also use the services of the Student Psychologists Office, where PhD candidates can receive short-term help in case of psychological problems that influence your PhD research or your personal life. Contact details are 020 525 2599, or internal no. 2599, room no. REC - E10.04.

Confidential advisor of UvA

If you have experienced or are experiencing undesirable  behaviour (such as sexual intimidation, aggressive or violent behaviour, bullying and discrimination) you can contact one of the confidential advisers for undesirable behaviour. They can provide support and help look for a way to stop or de-escalate the undesirable situation. Where relevant they will refer you to professional care and assistance. They can also help you submit a claim to the Complaints Committee.

The ombudsperson is an independent figure you can contact when you encounter structural problems and injustices within the UvA. You can do so confidentially and without formalities. If the Ombudsperson considers it necessary, they can mediate between parties and/or carry out an independent investigation.

If you are struggling with problems in your social environment (for example relating to your living and working situation, religion, personal circumstances) and this is affecting your work, or has already resulted in your not being able to carry out your work fully, you can turn to the occupational welfare service or an occupational health physician. This is confidential and free of charge.

Academic integrity

Besides physical safety, the institute aims to be a place where colleagues treat each other fairly and respectfully, and give due credit for achievements to those who truly made them. Scientific integrity is an important part of the education of scientists. HIMS has an open culture where it is common that any potential ethical issue is being discussed as soon as it is encountered. The HIMS guidelines attempts to discuss a number of issues and suggests best practices and actions regarding reporting and storing results, fraud and plagiarism, conflicts of interest and other ethical aspects. The guidelines can be found in the HIMS Code of conduct

HIMS PhD council

The HIMS PhD Council was founded in 2014 to act as a bridge between students, PhDs and the scientific staff. The council consists of four PhD students that represent the four research themes. We aim to improve the interaction within and between research groups of HIMS and to help you in your PhD track. Moreover, we provide feedback to PhDs and management in order to tackle issues that you might encounter. In addition, we keep you updated on available courses.

Furthermore, every first (working) Friday of the month, we organize a monthly Borrel for the PhDs and postdocs of the institute. The Borrels are held in the student bar, the Brainwave, where you have an excellent opportunity to talk with students, staff and colleagues from other research groups within HIMS. The institute sponsors some drinks at the beginning of the Borrel, so please feel welcome to join every first (working) Friday of the month after the PhD colloquium!

The council will launch a website within the domain soon. There you can find a list of activities they organize. You can contact the council members via the general email address: phd‑


J.M. (Mirjam) de Bruin-Hoegée MSc

Forensic Analytical Chemistry