The SAB will be invited to the SusCrop annual consortium meetings. This ensures systematic and regular progress updates to allow timely course adjustments and early mitigation of difficulties that might arise in achieving the set-out outputs. The SAB will also be asked to reflect on mid-term self-assessment(s) and provide feedback on the content and any other matter they see fit to reflect upon.
Prof. Dr. Harold Bouwmeester | University of Amsterdam
Plant Hormone Biology
Dr. ir. Jacqueline Baar | Soil Best BV
Soil quality
Prof. dr. ir. Raoul Beunen | Open University
Environmental Governance
Prof. dr. Roland Bol | Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Soil organic matter dynamics and elemental cycles
Dr. Marc Laus | Royal Avebe
Agriculture and food processing
Ir. Zsuzsan Proos | Transitiecoalitie Voedsel
Circular food systems