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Tess Heeremans, Antoine Deblais, Daniel Bonn and I teamed up to do chromatography experiments on worms, for which we received the 2024 Ig Nobel prize for Chemistry.
Caporaletti, F., Gunkel, L., Fernandez-Ibanez, M. Á., Hunger, J., & Woutersen, S. (2024). Fast Collective Hydrogen-Bond Dynamics in Hexafluoroisopropanol Related to its Chemical Activity. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 63(52), Article e202416091.,[details]
Fischer, S. A., Roeters, S. J., Meuzelaar, H., Woutersen, S., Weidner, T., & Pfaendtner, J. (2024). Estimation of vibrational spectra of Trp-cage protein from nonequilibrium metadynamics simulations. Biophysical Journal, 123(20), 3500-3506.[details]
Giubertoni, G., Chagri, S., Argudo, P. G., Prädel, L., Maltseva, D., Greco, A., Caporaletti, F., Pavan, A., Ilie, I. M., Ren, Y., Ng, D. Y. W., Bonn, M., Weil, T., & Woutersen, S. (2024). Structural adaptability and surface activity of peptides derived from tardigrade proteins. Protein Science, 33(9), Article e5135.[details]
Giubertoni, G., Feng, L., Klein, K., Giannetti, G., Rutten, L., Choi, Y., van der Net, A., Castro-Linares, G., Caporaletti, F., Micha, D., Hunger, J., Deblais, A., Bonn, D., Sommerdijk, N., Šarić, A., Ilie, I. M., Koenderink, G. H., & Woutersen, S. (2024). Elucidating the role of water in collagen self-assembly by isotopically modulating collagen hydration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(11), Article e2313162121.[details]
Giubertoni, G., Rachid, M. G., Moll, C., Hilbers, M., Samanipour, S., & Woutersen, S. (2024). UV/Visible Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy: A Simultaneous Probe of Molecular Size and Electronic Absorption. Analytical Chemistry.
Sanchez-Martinez, S., Nguyen, K., Biswas, S., Nicholson, V., Romanyuk, A. V., Ramirez, J., Kc, S., Akter, A., Childs, C., Meese, E. K., Usher, E. T., Ginell, G. M., Yu, F., Gollub, E., Malferrari, M., Francia, F., Venturoli, G., Martin, E. W., Caporaletti, F., ... Boothby, T. C. (2024). Labile assembly of a tardigrade protein induces biostasis. Protein Science, 33(4), Article e4941.[details]
Bittermann, M. R., Morozova, T. I., Velandia, S. F., Mirzahossein, E., Deblais, A., Woutersen, S., & Bonn, D. (2023). Surface-Mediated Molecular Transport of a Lipophilic Fluorescent Probe in Polydisperse Oil-in-Water Emulsions. Langmuir, 39(12), 4207-4215.[details]
Demmenie, M., Reus, L., Kolpakov, P., Woutersen, S., Bonn, D., & Shahidzadeh, N. (2023). Growth and Form of Rippled Icicles. Physical Review Applied, 19(2), Article 024005.[details]
Duivenvoorden, J. R., Caporaletti, F., Woutersen, S., Keune, K., & Hermans, J. J. (2023). Nanoconfined Water Clusters in Zinc White Oil Paint. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127(38), 19269-19277.[details]
Giubertoni, G., Bonn, M., & Woutersen, S. (2023). D2O as an Imperfect Replacement for H2O: Problem or Opportunity for Protein Research? Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 127(38), 8086-8094.[details]
Giubertoni, G., Caporaletti, F., van Diest, R., & Woutersen, S. (2023). Multidimensional infrared diffusion-ordered spectroscopy in depletion mode distinguishes protein amyloids and monomers. Journal of Chemical Physics, 158(12), Article 124202.[details]
Giubertoni, G., Hilbers, M., Caporaletti, F., Laity, P., Groen, H., Van der Weide, A., Bonn, D., & Woutersen, S. (2023). Hydrogen Bonds under Stress: Strain-Induced Structural Changes in Polyurethane Revealed by Rheological Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14(4), 940-946.[details]
Giubertoni, G., Rombouts, G., Caporaletti, F., Deblais, A., van Diest, R., Reek, J. N. H., Bonn, D., & Woutersen, S. (2023). Infrared Diffusion-Ordered Spectroscopy Reveals Molecular Size and Structure. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 62(2), Article e202213424.,[details]
Hermans, J., Helwig, K., Woutersen, S., & Keune, K. (2023). Traces of water catalyze zinc soap crystallization in solvent-exposed oil paints. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25(7), 5701-5709.[details]
Bittermann, M. R., López-Bueno, C., Hilbers, M., Rivadulla, F., Caporaletti, F., Wegdam, G., Bonn, D., & Woutersen, S. (2022). Austen in Amsterdam: Isotope effect in a liquid-liquid transition in supercooled aqueous solution. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids: X, 13, Article 100077.[details]
Caporaletti, F., Bittermann, M. R., Bonn, D., & Woutersen, S. (2022). Fluorescent molecular rotor probes nanosecond viscosity changes. Journal of Chemical Physics, 156(20), Article 201101.[details]
Demmenie, M., Kolpakov, P., Nagata, Y., Woutersen, S., & Bonn, D. (2022). Scratch-Healing Behavior of Ice by Local Sublimation and Condensation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126(4), 2179-2183.[details]
Grzelka, M., Kooij, S., Woutersen, S., Adda-Bedia, M., & Bonn, D. (2022). Transition from viscoelastic to fracture-like peeling of pressure-sensitive adhesives. Soft Matter, 18(5), 999-1004.[details]
Heeremans, T., Deblais, A., Bonn, D., & Woutersen, S. (2022). Chromatographic separation of active polymer–like worm mixtures by contour length and activity. Science Advances, 8(23), Article eabj7918.[details]
Khan, N., Aslan, H., Büttner, H., Rohde, H., Golbek, T. W., Roeters, S. J., Woutersen, S., Weidner, T., & Meyer, R. L. (2022). The giant staphylococcal protein Embp facilitates colonization of surfaces through Velcro-like attachment to fibrillated fibronectin. eLife, 11, Article e76164.[details]
Peng, L., Hsia, F. C., Woutersen, S., Bonn, M., Weber, B., & Bonn, D. (2022). Nonmonotonic Friction due to Water Capillary Adhesion and Hydrogen Bonding at Multiasperity Interfaces. Physical Review Letters, 129(25), Article 256101.[details]
Schmidt, R. W., Woutersen, S., & Ariese, F. (2022). RamanLIGHT - A graphical user-friendly tool for pre-processing and unmixing hyperspectral Raman spectroscopy images. Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 24(6), Article 064011.[details]
Bittermann, M. R., Bonn, D., Woutersen, S., & Deblais, A. (2021). Light-switchable deposits from evaporating drops containing motile microalgae. Soft Matter, 17(27), 6536-6541.[details]
Bittermann, M. R., Grzelka, M., Woutersen, S., Brouwer, A. M., & Bonn, D. (2021). Disentangling Nano- And Macroscopic Viscosities of Aqueous Polymer Solutions Using a Fluorescent Molecular Rotor. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12(12), 3182-3186.[details]
Caporaletti, F., Bonn, D., & Woutersen, S. (2021). Lifetime-Associated Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy Reveals the Hydrogen-Bond Structure of Supercooled Water in Soft Confinement. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12(25), 5951-5956.[details]
Cota, R., Woutersen, S., & Bakker, H. J. (2021). Accelerated Vibrational Energy Relaxation of Water in Alkaline Environments. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125(43), 11980-11986.[details]
Gheorghe, A., Reus, S., Koenis, M., Dubbeldam, D., Woutersen, S., & Tanase, S. (2021). Correction: Role of additives and solvents in the synthesis of chiral isoreticular MOF-74 topologies. Dalton Transactions, 50(35), 12332.
Hermans, J., Zuidgeest, L., Iedema, P., Woutersen, S., & Keune, K. (2021). The kinetics of metal soap crystallization in oil polymers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(39), 22589-22600.
Lopez-Bueno, C., Herreros-Lucas, C., Suárez-Rodríguez, M., Bittermann, M. R., Amigo, A., Woutersen, S., Giménez-López, M., & Rivadulla, F. (2021). A New Type of Supramolecular Fluid Based on H2O-Alkylammonium/Phosphonium Solutions. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 60(14), 7540-7546. Advance online publication.,[details]
López-Buena, C., Herreros-Lucas, C., Suárez-Rodriguez, M., Bittermann, M. R., Amigo, A., Woutersen, S., Giménez-Lopez, M., & Rivadulla, F. (2021). A New Type of Supramolecular Fluid Based on H2O-Alkylammonium/Phosphonium Solutions. Angewandte Chemie, 133(14), 7618-7624.,[details]
Roeters, S. J., Golbek, T. W., Bregnhøj, M., Drace, T., Alamdari, S., Roseboom, W., Kramer, G., Šantl-Temkiv, T., Finster, K., Pfaendtner, J., Woutersen, S., Boesen, T., & Weidner, T. (2021). Ice-nucleating proteins are activated by low temperatures to control the structure of interfacial water. Nature Communications, 12, Article 1183.[details]
Schmüser, L., Trefz, M., Roeters, S. J., Beckner, W., Pfaendtner, J., Otzen, D., Woutersen, S., Bonn, M., Schneider, D., & Weidner, T. (2021). Membrane Structure of Aquaporin Observed with Combined Experimental and Theoretical Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy. Langmuir, 37(45), 13452-13459. Advance online publication.[details]
Swinkels, P. J. M., Stuij, S. G., Gong, Z., Jonas, H., Ruffino, N., van der Linden, B., Bolhuis, P. G., Sacanna, S., Woutersen, S., & Schall, P. (2021). Revealing pseudorotation and ring-opening reactions in colloidal organic molecules. Nature Communications, 12, Article 2810.[details]
Beerse, M., Keune, K., Iedema, P., Woutersen, S., & Hermans, J. (2020). Evolution of Zinc Carboxylate Species in Oil Paint Ionomers. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2(12), 5674–5685.[details]
Cota, R., Tiwari, A., Ensing, B., Bakker, H. J., & Woutersen, S. (2020). Hydration interactions beyond the first solvation shell in aqueous phenolate solution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(35), 19940-19947.[details]
Cota, R., van Dam, E. P., Woutersen, S., & Bakker, H. J. (2020). Slowing Down of the Molecular Reorientation of Water in Concentrated Alkaline Solutions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124(38), 8309-8316.[details]
Deblais, A., Maggs, A. C., Bonn, D., & Woutersen, S. (2020). Phase Separation by Entanglement of Active Polymerlike Worms. Physical Review Letters, 124(20), Article 208006.[details]
Gheorghe, A., Strudwick, B., Dawson, D. M., Ashbrook, S. E., Woutersen, S., Dubbeldam, D., & Tanase, S. (2020). Synthesis of Chiral MOF-74 Frameworks by Post-Synthetic Modification by Using an Amino Acid. Chemistry-A European Journal, 26(61), 13957-13965.[details]
Hosseinpour, S., Roeters, S. J., Bonn, M., Peukert, W., Woutersen, S., & Weidner, T. (2020). Structure and Dynamics of Interfacial Peptides and Proteins from Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy. Chemical Reviews, 120(7), 3420-3465. Advance online publication.[details]
López-Bueno, C., Bittermann, M. R., Dacuña-Mariño, B., Llamas-Saiz, A. L., Giménez-López, M. C., Woutersen, S., & Rivadulla, F. (2020). Low temperature glass/crystal transition in ionic liquids determined by H-bond vs. coulombic strength. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(36), 20524-20530.[details]
McMahon, S., Rajagopal, A., Amirjalayer, S., Halpin, Y., Fitzgerald-Hughes, D., Buma, W. J., Woutersen, S., Long, C., & Pryce, M. T. (2020). Photo-activated CO-release in the amino tungsten Fischer carbene complex, [(CO)5WC(NC4H8)Me], picosecond time resolved infrared spectroscopy, time-dependent density functional theory, and an antimicrobial study. Journal of inorganic biochemistry, 208, Article 111071.[details]
Roeters, S. J., Sawall, M., Eskildsen, C. E., Panman, M. R., Tordai, G., Koeman, M., Neymeyr, K., Jansen, J., Smilde, A. K., & Woutersen, S. (2020). Unraveling VEALYL Amyloid Formation Using Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy and Microscopy. Biophysical Journal, 119(1), 87-98. Advance online publication.[details]
Becker, R., Bouwens, T., Schippers, E. C. F., van Gelderen, T., Hilbers, M., Woutersen, S., & Reek, J. N. H. (2019). Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation by Vesicle-Embedded [FeFe]Hydrogenase Mimics: A Mechanistic Study. Chemistry-A European Journal, 25(61), 13921-13929.[details]
Ensing, B., Tiwari, A., Tros, M., Hunger, J., Domingos, S. R., Perez, C., Smits, G., Bonn, M., Bonn, D., & Woutersen, S. (2019). On the origin of the extremely different solubilities of polyethers in water. Nature Communications, 10, Article 2893.[details]
Hermans, J. J., Baij, L., Koenis, M., Keune, K., Iedema, P. D., & Woutersen, S. (2019). 2D-IR spectroscopy for oil paint conservation: Elucidating the water-sensitive structure of zinc carboxylate clusters in ionomers. Science Advances, 5(6), Article eaaw3592.[details]
Kumpulainen, T., Panman, M. R., Bakker, B. H., Hilbers, M., Woutersen, S., & Brouwer, A. M. (2019). Accelerating the Shuttling in Hydrogen-Bonded Rotaxanes: Active Role of the Axle and the End Station. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141(48), 19118-19129.[details]
Strudwick, B. H., Koenis, M. A. J., Sanders, H. J., Nicu, V. P., Woutersen, S., & Buma, W. J. (2019). A Tunable, Fullerene-Based Molecular Amplifier for Vibrational Circular Dichroism. Chemistry-A European Journal, 25(54), 12560-12566.[details]
Strudwick, B. H., O'Bryen, C., Sanders, H. J., Woutersen, S., & Buma, W. J. (2019). Opening 2,2-diphenyl-2H-chromene to infrared light. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21(22), 11689-11696. Advance online publication.[details]
Frayne, L., Das, N., Paul, A., Amirjalayer, S., Buma, W. J., Woutersen, S., Long, C., Vos, J. G., & Pryce, M. T. (2018). Photo‐ and Electrochemical Properties of a CO2 Reducing Ruthenium–Rhenium Quaterpyridine‐Based Catalyst. ChemPhotoChem, 2(3), 323-331.[details]
Nurttila, S. S., Becker, R., Hessels, J., Woutersen, S., & Reek, J. N. H. (2018). Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution by a Synthetic [FeFe] Hydrogenase Mimic Encapsulated in a Porphyrin Cage. Chemistry - A European Journal, 24(61), 16395-16406.[details]
Salamatova, E., Cunha, A. V., Bloem, R., Roeters, S. J., Woutersen, S., Jansen, T. L. C., & Pshenichnikov, M. S. (2018). Hydrophobic Collapse in N-Methylacetamide–Water Mixtures. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 122(9), 2468-2478.[details]
Woutersen, S., Ensing, B., Hilbers, M., Zhao, Z., & Angell, C. A. (2018). A liquid-liquid transition in supercooled aqueous solution related to the HDA-LDA transition. Science, 359(6380), 1127-1131.[details]
Woutersen, S., Ensing, B., Hilbers, M. F., Zhao, Z.-F. & Angell, C. A. (9-3-2018). Data from: "A liquid-liquid transition in supercooled aqueous solution related to the HDA-LDA transition". Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Cunha, A. V., Salamatova, E., Bloem, R., Roeters, S. J., Woutersen, S., Pshenichnikov, M. S., & Jansen, T. L. C. (2017). Interplay between Hydrogen Bonding and Vibrational Coupling in Liquid N-Methylacetamide. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8(11), 2438-2444.[details]
Iyer, A., Roeters, S. J., Kogan, V., Woutersen, S., Claessens, M. M. A. E., & Subramaniam, V. (2017). C-Terminal Truncated α-Synuclein Fibrils Contain Strongly Twisted β-Sheets. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139(43), 15392-15400.[details]
Meister, K., Roeters, S. J., Paananen, A., Woutersen, S., Versluis, J., Szilvay, G. R., & Bakker, H. J. (2017). Observation of pH-Induced Protein Reorientation at the Water Surface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8(8), 1772-1776.[details]
Panman, M. R., van Dijk, C. N., Huerta-Viga, A., Sanders, H. J., Bakker, B. H., Leigh, D. A., Brouwer, A. M., Buma, W. J., & Woutersen, S. (2017). Transient two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy of an operating molecular machine. Nature Communications, 8, Article 2206.[details]
Roeters, S. J., Iyer, A., Pletikapic, G., Kogan, V., Subramaniam, V., & Woutersen, S. (2017). Evidence for Intramolecular Antiparallel Beta-Sheet Structure in Alpha-Synuclein Fibrils from a Combination of Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy. Scientific Reports, 7, Article 41051.[details]
Schmüser, L., Roeters, S., Lutz, H., Woutersen, S., Bonn, M., & Weidner, T. (2017). Determination of Absolute Orientation of Protein α-Helices at Interfaces Using Phase-Resolved Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8(13), 3101-3105. Advance online publication.[details]
Suhina, T., Amirjalayer, S., Woutersen, S., Bonn, D., & Brouwer, A. M. (2017). Ultrafast dynamics and solvent-dependent deactivation kinetics of BODIPY molecular rotors. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(30), 19998-20007.[details]
Tros, M., Zheng, L., Hunger, J., Bonn, M., Bonn, D., Smits, G. J., & Woutersen, S. (2017). Picosecond orientational dynamics of water in living cells. Nature Communications, 8, Article 904.[details]
van der Loop, T. H., Ottosson, N., Vad, T., Sager, W. F. C., Bakker, H. J., & Woutersen, S. (2017). Communication: Slow proton-charge diffusion in nanoconfined water. Journal of Chemical Physics, 146(13), Article 131101.[details]
Amirjalayer, S., Cnossen, A., Browne, W. R., Feringa, B. L., Buma, W. J., & Woutersen, S. (2016). Direct Observation of a Dark State in the Photocycle of a Light-Driven Molecular Motor. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 120(43), 8606-8612. Advance online publication.[details]
Becker, R., Amirjalayer, S., Li, P., Woutersen, S., & Reek, J. N. H. (2016). An iron-iron hydrogenase mimic with appended electron reservoir for efficient proton reduction in aqueous media. Sciences advances, 2(1), Article e1501014.[details]
Becker, R., Amirjalayer, S., Li, P., Reek, J. N. H. & Woutersen, S. (2024). CCDC 1435208: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.
Bruijn, J. R., van der Loop, T. H., & Woutersen, S. (2016). Changing Hydrogen-Bond Structure during an Aqueous Liquid-Liquid Transition Investigated with Time-Resolved and Two-Dimensional Vibrational Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7(5), 795-799. Advance online publication.[details]
Iyer, A., Roeters, S. J., Schilderink, N., Hommersom, B., Heeren, R. M. A., Woutersen, S., Claessens, M. M. A. E., & Subramaniam, V. (2016). The Impact of N-terminal Acetylation of alpha-Synuclein on Phospholipid Membrane Binding and Fibril Structure. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291(40), 21110-21122.
Meuzelaar, H., Panman, M. R., van Dijk, C. N., & Woutersen, S. (2016). Folding of a Zinc-Finger ββα-Motif Investigated Using Two-Dimensional and Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy. The journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 120(43), 11151-11158.[details]
Meuzelaar, H., Vreede, J., & Woutersen, S. (2016). Influence of Glu/Arg, Asp/Arg, and Glu/Lys Salt Bridges on a-Helical Stability and Folding Kinetics. Biophysical Journal, 110(11), 2328-2341.[details]
Suhina, T., Amirjalayer, S., Mennucci, B., Woutersen, S., Hilbers, M., Bonn, D., & Brouwer, A. M. (2016). Excited-State Decay Pathways of Molecular Rotors: Twisted Intermediate or Conical Intersection? The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7(21), 4285-4290.[details]
van der Post, S. T., Woutersen, S., & Bakker, H. J. (2016). Quantum Interference in the Vibrational Relaxation of the O-H Stretch Overtone of Liquid H2O. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 120(20), 3441-3449.
Domingos, S. R., Hartl, F., Buma, W. J., & Woutersen, S. (2015). Elucidating the structure of chiral molecules by using amplified vibrational circular dichroism: from theory to experimental realization. ChemPhysChem, 16(16), 3363-3373. Advance online publication.[details]
Du, W., Cruz-Cabeza, A. J., Woutersen, S., Davey, R. J., & Yin, Q. (2015). Can the study of self-assembly in solution lead to a good model for the nucleation pathway? The case of tolfenamic acid. Chemical Science, 6(6), 3515-3524.[details]
Goswami, M., Lyaskovskyy, V., Domingos, S. R., Buma, W. J., Woutersen, S., Troeppner, O., Ivanović-Burmazović, I., Lu, H., Cui, X., Zhang, X. P., Reijerse, E. J., DeBeer, S., van Schooneveld, M. M., Pfaff, F. F., Ray, K., & de Bruin, B. (2015). Characterization of Porphyrin-Co(III)-'Nitrene Radical' Species Relevant in Catalytic Nitrene Transfer Reactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(16), 5468-5479. Advance online publication.[details]
Huerta-Viga, A., Amirjalayer, S., Domingos, S. R., Meuzelaar, H., Rupenyan, A., & Woutersen, S. (2015). The structure of salt bridges between Arg+ and Glu- in peptides investigated with 2D-IR spectroscopy: Evidence for two distinct hydrogen-bond geometries. Journal of Chemical Physics, 142(21), Article 212444. Advance online publication.[details]
McMahon, S., Amirjalayer, S., Buma, W. J., Halpin, Y., Long, C., Rooney, A. D., Woutersen, S., & Pryce, M. T. (2015). An investigation into the photochemistry of, and the electrochemically induced CO-loss from, [(CO)5MC(OMe)Me](M
= Cr or W) using low-temperature matrix isolation, picosecond infrared
spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and time-dependent density functional
theory. Dalton Transactions, 44(35), 15424-15434. Advance online publication.[details]
Panman, M. R., van Dijk, C. N., Meuzelaar, H., & Woutersen, S. (2015). Communication: Nanosecond folding dynamics of an alpha helix: Time-dependent 2D-IR cross peaks observed using polarization-sensitive dispersed pump-probe spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics, 142(4), Article 041103. Advance online publication.[details]
Tros, M., & Woutersen, S. (2015). Polarization-modulation setup for ultrafast infrared anisotropy experiments to study liquid dynamics. Optics Letters, 40(11), 2607-2609.[details]
Conyard, J., Heisler, I. A., Browne, W. R., Feringa, B. L., Amirjalayer, S., Buma, W. J., Woutersen, S., & Meech, S. R. (2014). Ultrafast Excited State Dynamics in 9,9 '-Bifluorenylidene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 118(31), 5961-5968.[details]
Domingos, S. R., Huerta-Viga, A., Baij, L., Amirjalayer, S., Dunnebier, D. A. E., Walters, A. J. C., Finger, M., Nafie, L. A., de Bruin, B., Buma, W. J., & Woutersen, S. (2014). Amplified Vibrational Circular Dichroism as a Probe of Local Biomolecular Structure. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136(9), 3530-3535.[details]
Huerta-Viga, A., Domingos, S. R., Amirjalayer, S., & Woutersen, S. (2014). A salt-bridge structure in solution revealed by 2D-IR spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16(30), 15784-15786.[details]
Li, P., Amirjalayer, S., Hartl, F., Lutz, M., de Bruin, B., Becker, R., Woutersen, S., & Reek, J. N. H. (2014). Direct Probing of Photoinduced Electron Transfer in a Self-Assembled Biomimetic [2Fe2S]-Hydrogenase Complex Using Ultrafast Vibrational Spectroscopy. Inorganic Chemistry, 53(10), 5373-5383.[details]
Manton, J. C., Amirjalayer, S., Coleman, A. C., McMahon, S., Harvey, E. C., Greetham, G. M., Clark, I. P., Buma, W. J., Woutersen, S., Pryce, M. T., & Long, C. (2014). Excited State Evolution towards ligand loss and ligand chelation at group 6 metal carbonyl centres. Dalton Transactions, 43(47), 17797-17805. Article 47.[details]
Meuzelaar, H., Tros, M., Huerta-Viga, A., van Dijk, C. N., Vreede, J., & Woutersen, S. (2014). Solvent-Exposed Salt Bridges Influence the Kinetics of α-Helix Folding and Unfolding. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5(5), 900-904.[details]
Panman, M. R., Shaw, D. J., Ensing, B., & Woutersen, S. (2014). Local orientational order in liquids revealed by resonant vibrational energy transfer. Physical Review Letters, 113(20), 207801.[details]
Schach, D., Globisch, C., Roeters, S. J., Woutersen, S., Fuchs, A., Weiss, C. K., Backus, E. H. G., Landfester, K., Bonn, M., Peter, C., & Weidner, T. (2014). Sticky water surfaces: Helix-coil transitions suppressed in a cell-penetrating peptide at the air-water interface. Journal of Chemical Physics, 141(22), 22D517.[details]
van der Loop, T. H., Ottosson, N., Lotze, S., Kentzinger, E., Vad, T., Sager, W. F. C., Bakker, H. J., & Woutersen, S. (2014). Structure and dynamics of water in nanoscopic spheres and tubes. Journal of Chemical Physics, 141(18), 18C535.[details]
van der Loop, T. H., Ruesink, F., Amirjalayer, S., Sanders, H. J., Buma, W. J., & Woutersen, S. (2014). Unraveling the Mechanism of a Reversible Photoactivated Molecular Proton Crane. The journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 118(45), 12965-12971.[details]
Domingos, S. R., Luyten, H., van Anrooij, F., Sanders, H. J., Bakker, B. H., Buma, W. J., Hartl, F., & Woutersen, S. (2013). An optically transparent thin-layer electrochemical cell for the study of vibrational circular dichroism of chiral redox-active molecules. Review of Scientific Instruments, 84(3), Article 033103.[details]
Domingos, S. R., Roeters, S. J., Amirjalayer, S., Yu, Z. L., Hecht, S., & Woutersen, S. (2013). Elucidating the backbone conformation of photoswitchable foldamers using vibrational circular dichroism. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(40), 17263-17267.[details]
Huerta-Viga, A., & Woutersen, S. (2013). Protein Denaturation with Guanidinium: A 2D-IR Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4(20), 3397-3401.[details]
Meuzelaar, H., Marino, K. A., Huerta-Viga, A., Panman, M. R., Smeenk, L. E. J., Kettelarij, A. J., van Maarseveen, J. H., Timmerman, P., Bolhuis, P. G., & Woutersen, S. (2013). Folding Dynamics of the Trp-Cage Miniprotein: Evidence for a Native-Like Intermediate from Combined Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. The journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 117(39), 11490-11501.[details]
Panman, M. R., Bakker, B. H., den Uyl, D., Kay, E. R., Leigh, D. A., Buma, W. J., Brouwer, A. M., Geenevasen, J. A. J., & Woutersen, S. (2013). Water lubricates hydrogen-bonded molecular machines. Nature Chemistry, 5(11), 929-934.[details]
Panman, M. R., Newton, A. C., Vos, J., van den Bosch, B., Bocokić, V., Reek, J. N. H., & Woutersen, S. (2013). Ultrafast dynamics in iron tetracarbonyl olefin complexes investigated with two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15(4), 1115-1122.[details]
Panman, M. R., Vos, J., Bocokić, V., Bellini, R., de Bruin, B., Reek, J., & Woutersen, S. (2013). Exchanging Conformations of a Hydroformylation Catalyst Structurally Characterized Using Two-Dimensional Vibrational Spectroscopy. Inorganic Chemistry, 52(24), 14294-14298.[details]
Roeters, S. J., van Dijk, C. N., Torres Knoop, A., Backus, E. H. G., Campen, R. K., Bonn, M., & Woutersen, S. (2013). Determining In Situ Protein Conformation and Orientation from the Amide-I Sum-Frequency Generation Spectrum: Theory and Experiment. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 117(29), 6311-6322.[details]
Schwartz, E., Liegeois, V., Koepf, M., Bodis, P., Cornelissen, J. J. L. M., Brocorens, P., Beljonne, D., Nolte, R. J. M., Rowan, A. E., Woutersen, S., & Champagne, B. (2013). Beta Sheets with a Twist: The Conformation of Helical Polyisocyanopeptides Determined by Using Vibrational Circular Dichroism. Chemistry - A European Journal, 19(39), 13168-13174.[details]
Domingos, S. R., Panman, M. R., Bakker, B. H., Hartl, F., Buma, W. J., & Woutersen, S. (2012). Amplifying vibrational circular dichroism by manipulation of the electronic manifold. Chemical Communications, 48(3), 353-355.[details]
Domingos, S. R., Pereira Silva, P. S., Buma, W. J., Garcia, M. H., Lopes, N. C., Paixao, J. A., Silva, M. R., & Woutersen, S. (2012). Amplification of the linear and nonlinear optical response of a chiral molecular crystal. Journal of Chemical Physics, 136(13), Article 134501.[details]
Ramos Silva, M., Rosa Domingos, S., Garcia, M. ., Lopes, N. C., Buma, W., Silva, P. S. ., Paixão, J. & Woutersen, S. (2017). CCDC 859919: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
Panman, M. R., Bodis, P., Shaw, D. J., Bakker, B. H., Newton, A. C., Kay, E. R., Leigh, D. A., Buma, W. J., Brouwer, A. M., & Woutersen, S. (2012). Time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy of a molecular shuttle. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14(6), 1865-1875.[details]
van der Loop, T. H., Panman, M. R., Lotze, S., Zhang, J., Vad, T., Bakker, H. J., Sager, W. F. C., & Woutersen, S. (2012). Structure and dynamics of water in nonionic reverse micelles: A combined time-resolved infrared and small angle x-ray scattering study. Journal of Chemical Physics, 137(4), 044503.[details]
Bodis, P., Yeremenko, S., Berna, J., Buma, W. J., Leigh, D. A., & Woutersen, S. (2011). Bimodal dynamics of mechanically constrained hydrogen bonds revealed by vibrational photon echoes. Journal of Chemical Physics, 134(13), 134504.[details]
Huerta-Viga, A., Shaw, D. J., & Woutersen, S. (2010). pH dependence of the conformation of small peptides investigated with two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy. The journal of Physical Chemistry. B, 114(46), 15212-15220.[details]
Panman, M. R., Bodis, P., Shaw, D. J., Bakker, B. H., Newton, A. C., Kay, E. R., Brouwer, A. M., Buma, W. J., Leigh, D. A., & Woutersen, S. (2010). Operation mechanism of a molecular machine revealed using time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy. Science, 328(5983), 1255-1258.[details]
Schwartz, E., Domingos, S. R., Vdovin, A., Koepf, M., Buma, W. J., Cornelissen, J. J. L. M., Rowan, A. E., Nolte, R. J. M., & Woutersen, S. (2010). Direct access to polyisocyanide screw sense using vibrational circular dichroism. Macromolecules, 43(19), 7931-7935.[details]
Altoè, P., Haraszkiewicz, N., Gatti, F. G., Wiering, P. G., Frochot, C., Brouwer, A. M., Balkowski, G., Shaw, D., Woutersen, S., Buma, W. J., Zerbetto, F., Orlandi, G., Leigh, D. A., & Garavelli, M. (2009). Multistate photo-induced relaxation and photoisomerization ability of fumaramide threads: A computational and experimental study. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(1), 104-117.[details]
Bodis, P., Panman, M. R., Bakker, B. H., Mateo-Alonso, A., Prato, M., Buma, W. J., Brouwer, A. M., Kay, E. R., Leigh, D. A., & Woutersen, S. (2009). Two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy of rotaxane-based molecular machines. Accounts of Chemical Research, 42(9), 1462-1469.[details]
Bodis, P., Schwartz, E., Koepf, M., Cornelissen, J. L. M., Rowan, A. E., Nolte, R. J. M., & Woutersen, S. (2009). Vibrational self-trapping in beta-sheet structures observed with femtosecond nonlinear infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics, 131(12), 6.[details]
Schwartz, E., Bodis, P., Koepf, M., Cornelissen, J. L. M., Rowan, A. E., Woutersen, S., & Nolte, R. J. M. (2009). Self-trapped vibrational states in synthetic beta-sheet helices. Chemical Communications, (31), 4675-4677.[details]
Shaw, D. J., Panman, M. R., & Woutersen, S. (2009). Evidence for cooperative vibrational relaxation of the NH-, OH-, and OD-stretching modes in hydrogen-bonded liquids using infrared pump-probe spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters, 103(22), 4.[details]
Dokter, A. M., Petersen, C., Woutersen, S., & Bakker, H. J. (2008). Vibrational dynamics of ice in reverse micelles. Journal of Chemical Physics, 128(4), 044509.[details]
Bodis, P., Timmer, R., Yeremenko, S., Buma, W. J., Hannam, J. S., Leigh, D. A., & Woutersen, S. (2007). Heterovibrational Interactions, Cooperative Hydrogen Bonding, and Vibrational Energy Relaxation Pathways in a Rotaxane. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. C, 111, 6798-6804.[details]
Dokter, A. M., Woutersen, S., & Bakker, H. J. (2007). Ultrafast dynamics of water in cationic micelles. Journal of Chemical Physics, 126(12), 124507/1-124507/10. [details]
Woutersen, S. (2007). Semiclassical description of the nonlinear response of self-trapped vibrational excitations. Journal of Chemical Physics, 126(22), 226101/1-226101/3. [details]
Woutersen, S. (2007). Simultaneous photon absorption as a probe of molecular interaction and hydrogen-bond cooperativity in liquids. Journal of Chemical Physics, 127(15), 154517/1-154517/5. [details]
Yeremenko, S., Larsen, O. F. A., Bodis, P., Buma, W. J., Hannam, J. S., Leigh, D. A., & Woutersen, S. (2007). Structural dynamics of rotaxanes studied by infrared photon echo spectroscopy. In P. Corkum, D. M. Jonas, R. J. D. Miller, & A. M. Weiner (Eds.), Ultrafast Phenomena XV: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, Pacific Grove, USA, July 30-August 4, 2006 (pp. 430-432). (Springer Series in Chemical Physics; Vol. 88). Springer.[details]
Dokter, A. M., Woutersen, S., & Bakker, H. J. (2006). Inhomogeneous dynamics in confined water nanodroplets. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(42), 15355-15358.[details]
Woutersen, S., & Bakker, H. J. (2006). Ultrafast Vibrational and Structural Dynamics of the Proton in Liquid Water. Physical Review Letters, 96(13), 138305/1-138305/4. [details]
Bodis, P., Larsen, O. F. A., & Woutersen, S. (2005). Vibrational Relaxation of the Bending Mode of HDO in Liquid D2O. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A, 109(24), 5303-5306.[details]
Dokter, A. M., Woutersen, S., & Bakker, H. J. (2005). Anomalous Slowing Down of the Vibrational Relaxation of Liquid Water upon Nanoscale Confinement. Physical Review Letters, 94(17), [17830]. [details]
Larsen, O. F. A., Bodis, P., Buma, W. J., Hannam, J. S., Leigh, D. A., & Woutersen, S. (2005). Probing the structure of a rotaxane with two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(38), 13378-13382.[details]
Larsen, O. F. A., Buma, W. J., Leigh, D. A., & Woutersen, S. (2005). Ultrafast vibrational dynamics of rotaxanes. Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 79, 548-550. [details]
Lock, A. J., Gilijamse, J. J., Woutersen, S., & Bakker, H. J. (2004). Vibrational relaxation and coupling of two OH-stretch oscillators with an intramolecular hydrogen bond. Journal of Chemical Physics, 120(5), 2351-2358.[details]
Omta, A. W., Kropman, M. F., Woutersen, S., & Bakker, H. J. (2003). Influence of ions on the hydrogen-bond structure in liquid water. Journal of Chemical Physics, 119, 12457-12461.
Omta, A. W., Kropman, M. F., Woutersen, S., & Bakker, H. J. (2003). Negligible effect of ions on the hydrogen-bond structure in liquid water. Science, 301, 347-349.
Woutersen, S., de Milan, J. B., de Lange, C. A., & Buma, W. J. (1997). Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization photoelectron spectroscopy of even-parity autoionizing Rydberg states of atomic sulphur. Journal of Chemical Physics, 106(17), 6831-6838.[details]
Woutersen, S., Milan, J. B., Buma, W. J., & de Lange, C. A. (1996). Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization photoelectron spectroscopy of bound and autoionizing Rydberg states of atomic sulphur. Physical Review A, 54, 5126-5132.[details]
Paradiz Dominguez, M., Strudwick, B. H., Osman, M., Woutersen, S., & Brouwer, A. M. (2019). Structural Excited State Dynamics of a BODIPY-based Microrheology Probe. Poster session presented at HRSMC Lustrum Symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Keune, K., Hermans, J. J., Baij, C. L. M., Woutersen, S., & Iedema, P. D. (2018). Unravelling the structure of metal carboxylates in ageing oil paint with 2D‐IR spectroscopy. Poster session presented at Gordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research, Barcelona, Spain.
Woutersen, S. (25-10-2017). Zit er zoiets als levenswater in levende cellen? de Volkskrant. Zit er zoiets als levenswater in levende cellen?.
Woutersen, S. (18-10-2017). Wasser bleibt Wasser - Existenz des vierten Aggregatzustandes widerlegt News Analytik. Wasser bleibt Wasser - Existenz des vierten Aggregatzustandes widerlegt.
Woutersen, S. (organiser), Fonseca Guerra, C. (organiser) & van Maarseveen, J. (organiser) (10-3-2018). Bachelordag. Bachelordag (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Paradiz Dominguez, M. (participant), Zheng, D. (participant), Strudwick, B. H. (participant), Woutersen, S. (participant) & Brouwer, A. M. (participant) (2017). CHAINS 2017, Veldhoven. Poster: Non-radiative decay pathway of a BODIPY molecular rotor (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Woutersen, S. (1999). Femtosecond vibrational dynamics in hydrogen-bonded systems. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Giubertoni, G. & Woutersen, S. (14-2-2024). Dataset Collagen Self Assembly in H2O and D2O.. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Becker, R., Amirjalayer, S., Li, P., Reek, J. N. H. & Woutersen, S. (2024). CCDC 1435208: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre.
Woutersen, S., Ensing, B., Hilbers, M. F., Zhao, Z.-F. & Angell, C. A. (9-3-2018). Data from: "A liquid-liquid transition in supercooled aqueous solution related to the HDA-LDA transition". Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Ramos Silva, M., Rosa Domingos, S., Garcia, M. ., Lopes, N. C., Buma, W., Silva, P. S. ., Paixão, J. & Woutersen, S. (2017). CCDC 859919: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. The Cambridge Structural Database.
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