Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry
3 december 2024, Daniël Linzel, C2W international.
A team from Amsterdam has 3D printed a catalyst made entirely of stainless steel and aluminium that works extremely well for borohydride hydrolysis. Unexpectedly, it performs even better than a previous version made with cobalt, they report in ChemSusChem. Read more.
3 december 2024.
Plantics BV, a spin-off company from the University of Amsterdam’s Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS), has announced a minority equity investment by Saint-Gobain, a leading multinational company in construction materials. Based on a discovery of HIMS researchers Dr Albert Alberts and Prof. Gadi Rothenberg, Plantics has developed the first thermoset bio-plastic that’s fully biodegradable, compostable and 100% bio-based. Read more.
2 december 2024.
Saint-Gobain Benelux has announced via the Group’s venture arm Nova by Saint-Gobain, a minority equity investment in the privately-owned Dutch company Plantics B.V.
The collaboration will allow both companies to combine their R&D capabilities, manufacturing expertise, and market reach. Together, Saint-Gobain and Plantics will develop innovative circular construction materials using the 100% biobased thermoset Plantics resin that supports the reduction of carbon emissions all while ensuring quality, performance, and cost-effectiveness as the demand for such products is rapidly increasing spurred by recent European legislation. Read more.
23 October 2024.
Prof. Gadi Rothenberg, Chair of Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam’s Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, has been appointed Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing. This honorary academic appointment is expected to strengthen research collaborations between the two universities in the areas of sustainable chemistry, sustainable energy and the circular economy. Read more.
12 July 2024, Daniël Linzel, C2W.
If you attach the TEMPO catalyst to an electrode, it can replace the role of platinum in the oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde, as researchers from Amsterdam show in ChemSusChem. Read more (in English), read more (in Dutch).
27 February 2024, Boyce Upholt.
It was hailed as a wonderful thing: During the oil boom in the 1950s, chemists began to render the waste coming out of refineries into plastic — plastic packaging, plastic furniture, plastic fibers woven into synthetic cloth. These were miracle materials, moldable and pliable but strong and lasting. In the decades since, annual global plastic production has skyrocketed: Humans have created 8 billion metric tons of plastic. Read more.
15 August 2023.
The Dutch company NoWa Kitchen presented its newest kitchen featuring only bio-based materials and a sustainable cradle-to-cradle design. A key enabler for the kitchen are plant-based polymers and materials brought to market by the University of Amsterdam’s spin-off company Plantics, stemming from a discovery made by chemists at the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences. The kitchen development was supported by the EU project Sustainable Wood Panels. Read more.
26 July 2023, Jessica Vermeer, C2W.
Onderzoekers van de Universiteit van Amsterdam vonden een manier om hun kobaltkatalysator voor waterstofafgifte te beschermen tegen degradatie: flexibele, poreuze bolletjes gemaakt van garnaalafval. Read more (in Dutch).
24 July 2023, Chemie.de, ChemEurope.com.
Since 2020, the Heterogeneous Catalysis & Sustainable Chemistry group at the Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences of the UvA has been working on using alkali metal borohydride salts as future hydrogen carriers. These solid salts can be safely stored in air under ambient conditions and only give off hydrogen gas when reacting with water. However, controlling the hydrogen release and thus avoiding breakthrough reactions is a challenge. One solution is to stabilize the solution with a base and control the hydrogen release with the help of a catalyst. The UvA team led by Prof. Gadi Rothenberg is developing such catalysts in cooperation with the Austrian Competence Center for Tribology (AC2T) and the company Electriq Global. Read more.
21 July 2023.
Researchers at the Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry group have established how nanostructured materials behave during electrochemical CO2 reduction in acetonitrile electrolytes. The research, carried out in cooperation with colleagues at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry, provides insight into the mechanism of the CO2 reduction reaction in organic media. The results have just been published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Read more.
20 July 2023.
Flexible spheres of the biomolecule chitosan, made from shrimp waste, can be used for catalysts that generate hydrogen gas from borohydride salts. In a paper in Green Chemistry, a research team at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) shows how the spheres can “breathe out” hydrogen bubbles without breaking. This is an important step towards practical and safe hydrogen storage and release units. Read more.
11 July 2023, Jessica Numann, Telegraaf.
De hennepplant, bekend van de wietblaadjes, werkt aan een nieuw imago. Of eigenlijk doen bedrijven Vepa en Plantics dit. Per toeval ontdekten zij dat hennep in combinatie met biohars perfect is voor biologisch, plantaardig recyclebaar materiaal dat meer CO2 opneemt dan uitstoot. Na jaren testen is de eerste stoel klaar voor de markt. Read more (in Dutch).
6 February 2023.
In a paper in the journal Sustainable Chemistry for Climate Action, Prof. Gadi Rothenberg of the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences presents a realistic look at carbon dioxide emissions, climate change and the role of sustainable chemistry. Using simple back-of-the-envelope calculations he shows that the climate goals of the Paris Agreement are beyond reach. According to Rothenberg, humanity should prepare to living in a world where average temperatures are 3–4 °C higher than in pre-industrial times. Read more.
1 February 2023, Gadi Rothenberg, Folia.
We gaan de klimaatdoelen van Parijs niet halen, schrijft hoogleraar heterogene katalyse en duurzame chemie Gadi Rothenberg. Voor Folia schreef hij een verkorte versie van zijn artikel A realistic look at CO₂ emissions, climate change and the role of sustainable chemistry dat vorige maand in het vakblad Sustainable Chemistry for Climate Action verscheen. Read more.
21 November 2022.
Researchers Fran Pope, Noë Watson, Antoine Deblais and Gadi Rothenberg at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) unravel the complexities of concentrated borohydride salt solutions that can be used as a medium to store hydrogen. Their results, published in ChemPhysChem and featured on the cover of the current issue, bring the team closer to developing a catalyst for industrial-grade hydrogen storage. Read more.
16 December 2021.
Dr Amanda Garcia has been awarded a grant of almost € 150,000 from the ECCM KICkstart DE-NL call. This aims to accelerate the electrification of the chemical industry through cross-border cooperation between partners from Germany and the Netherlands. Garcia's project is about imaging oxidation reactions on high surface area anodes for paired electrolysis. Read more.
26 March 2021, Arjen Dijkgraaf, C2W,
Legosteentjes zijn soms heel geschikt om heterogene katalyse te visualiseren. Vooral wanneer de reacties zich afspelen op een plat vlak, laat de Amsterdamse promovendus Ilse Denekamp zien op YouTube. Read more (Dutch only).
17 March 2021.
Ilse Denekamp, a PhD student working under the supervision of Prof. Gadi Rothenberg at the University of Amsterdam's Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, has 'translated' her PhD research in a short film. The one-minute animation highlights the advantages of novel tailor-made single-site catalytic materials for heterogeneous catalysis. Ilse Denekamp will defend her PhD thesis on 7 April. Read more.
9 March 2021.
Op een dag krijgt hoogleraar in de scheikunde Gadi Rothenberg een bericht van een bijna dakloze zestigjarige scheikundige. Hij vraagt een werkplek in Gadi’s lab. De bijzondere man blijkt niet alleen een aan lagerwal geraakte wetenschapper te zijn, maar ook een rondreizende rocker en: een uitzonderlijk genie. Door de combinatie van hun talenten doen ze per ongeluk een bizarre ontdekking. Een die in theorie niet kàn bestaan. Een bijvangst die op het punt staat onze wereld voorgoed te veranderen. Listen to podcast (Dutch only).
14 January 2021.
Gadi Rothenberg, professor of Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry at HIMS, has been elected as a board member of the Organic Reactions Catalysis Society (ORCS). Read more.
12 january 2021, Tom Grosfeld, Het Parool.
UvA-wetenschappers ontdekten tien jaar geleden 100 procent bioplastic, nu is er een plantaardige stoel. Hoogleraar Gadi Rothenberg (53) vertelt. Read more (Dutch only).
6 january 2021.
‘Such a thing doesn't exist,’ UvA researchers Gadi Rothenberg and Albert Alberts repeatedly heard when they accidentally discovered 100% bioplastic in 2010. Now ten years later, in collaboration with furniture manufacturer VepaDrentea, they have created a chair made entirely from plant-based materials. Read more.
27 November 2020.
Researchers from the Catalysis Engineering (CatEng) and Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry (HCSC) groups at the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS), together with their international collaborators, found a nifty way to improve catalyst performance in on-demand hydrogen generation. Read more.
6 November 2020, Arjan Dijkgraaf, C2W.
Om optimaal een reactie te katalyseren hoeven nanodeeltjes minder ver uit elkaar te liggen dan gedacht. Dat stelt Gadi Rothenberg, die samen met zijn groep aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam een elegante methode ontwikkelde om het experimenteel aan te tonen. Read more (in Dutch).
28 October 2020.
Biodegradable plastics have an important role to play in the greening of our society and in the transition to a circular economy, say Dr. Layla Filiciotto and Prof. Gadi Rothenberg from the Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, but there's still a long way to go. Read more.
30 September 2020.
In a paper just accepted in ACS Applied Nanomaterials, HIMS researchers report on the nanoscale assembly of copper oxide and palladium nanoclusters as a straightforward, cheap and clean approach for making catalysts. The nanoclusters were used for electro-oxidation purposes, with applications in fuel cells, biosensors, and in the industrial process of electroless copper deposition. The combination of palladium and cheap cuprous oxide outperforms materials based solely on palladium. Read more.
30 September 2020.
A group of authors including researchers and alumni from the Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) have just completed a four-volume reference work covering the fundamentals and key applications of porous materials. This "Handbook of Porous Materials" will be published in November by World Scientific Publishers in a digital and a print edition. Editors-in-Chief are Prof. Gadi Rothenberg, chair of the Heterogeneous Catalysis & Sustainable Chemistry group at HIMS, and Prof. Vitaly Gitis of Ben-Gurion University, an UvA alumnus and visiting fellow at the Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry. Read more.
14 September 2020.
The transition towards bio-based feedstocks and circular processes requires new concepts and especially new active, selective and stable catalytic materials. These are often discovered by accident, rather than made by design. Now, UvA researchers from the Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences have published a new concept for designing and producing such materials. These new polymers, which can be tailor-made to specific sizes and functions, can catalyse a variety of reactions. They are also highly stable and scalable, opening opportunities for real-life industrial applications. Read more.
10 September 2020.
There's serious room for improvement in managing the waste of the city of Amsterdam. Many waste flows in the city are linear and unsustainable, and the recycling rate of organic waste is quite low. These observations follow from a case study by a joint team from the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Science and the Amsterdam Business School, in the perspective of designing urban waste management strategies for a sustainable society. Read more.
23 June, 2020.
The second edition of 'Catalysis: Concepts & Green Applications', the popular undergraduate textbook written by Prof. Gadi Rothenberg of the University of Amsterdam's Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, has been translated in Chinese. A low-cost paperback edition available to Chinese students is published by 'Higher Education Press', the publishing house of the Chinese Ministry of Education. Read more.
7 May, 2020, Laura ter Steege, Folia.
Steeds meer UvA-onderzoekers werken samen met China. De voordelen zijn legio: beslissingen worden sneller genomen, er wordt volop in innovatie geïnvesteerd, en de regels voor onderzoek zijn vaak minder streng dan in Europa. Maar hoe zit het met de academische vrijheid? ‘De Chinese overheid is een enge tegenspeler.’ Read more.
30 March 2020.
Dr Amanda Garcia has been awarded a highly competitive tenure-track grant of 950,000 euros from the NWO program on electrochemical conversion and materials (ECCM). Focussing on electrocatalysis and electro-organic synthesis, she will join the Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences and boost the growing group of interdisciplinary researchers collaborating in the Amsterdam Centre for Electrochemistry (AMCEL). Read more.
19 March 2020.
UvA chemistry master students Peter Jungbacker and Tess van Teijlingen, working at the Research Priority Area Sustainable Chemistry of the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, have studied the pros and cons of the most promising alternative materials for Li-ion batteries. Their findings, which include both the chemical and socio-economic aspects of batteries, have been published as a cover article in the open-access journal 'Materials'. Read more.
4 November 2019.
Researchers at the University of Amsterdam's Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) have developed a new device for measuring the kinetics of gas-producing reactions. This simple benchtop device, of which the details are publicly available, costs less than € 250 and weighs only 1500 grams. Yet it gives accurate reaction profiles with over 3000 measurements. It is also programmable for running temperature profiles, providing Arrhenius plots with hundreds of data points from a single experiment. This enables quick and efficient analysis of both kinetics and thermodynamics. Read more.
This news item was also featured at C2W (in Dutch) by Daniël Linzel and on Phys.org by UvA.
26 June 2019.
Amsterdam chemists present bio-inspired design of adsorbent materials for selective separation of water and alcohol. Read more.
This news item was featured at C2W (in Dutch) by Daniël Linzel, Phys.org by UvA and Materials Today by UvA.
25 February 2019, Aisling Irwin, Chemistry World.
Plastics that break down in the environment could be the answer to our pollution worries, Aisling Irwin finds – but only if they are useful in the first place. Read more.
17 December 2018.
PhD student Ilse Denekamp of the Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry research group has won the Best Poster Award by public vote at the Dutch national chemistry conference CHAINS 2018 earlier this month. Read more.
27 November 2018, Stella Vrijmoed, Folia.
Dacht je dat luchtvervuiling alleen in megasteden als Beijing of Mexico-stad een probleem is en dat jij veilig zit in Europa? Gadi Rothenberg, professor duurzame chemie aan de UvA, onderzocht samen met masterstudent Cédric Koolen de mate van luchtvervuiling in de Europese Unie. ‘Het is hier veel erger dan ik dacht.’ Read more (Dutch only)
17 april 2018.
Researchers of the University of Amsterdam’s Research Priority Area Sustainable Chemistry have developed a novel porous material capable of selectively adsorbing CO2. In the journal Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers they present their design of a water-stable metal-organic framework (MOF) that according to team leader Dr Stefania Grecea can pave the way to cost-effective separation of CO2 from power plant emissions. Read more.
This news item was also featured at C2W (in Dutch) by Arjan Dijkgraaf.
19 March 2018.
Researchers at the University of Amsterdam's Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) have developed a theoretical concept that describes tandem reactions for active particles on active surfaces. The research, which is part of the university's Research Priority Area Sustainable Chemistry, has been published as an open-access concept paper in the international journal ChemCatChem. Read more.
This news item was also featured at C2W (in Dutch) by Arjan Dijkgraaf.
11 December 2017.
Ilse Denekamp, PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam's Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, has won the Unilever Research Prize for her MSc project on new supercapacitor materials. Read more.
27 November 2017.
International research has shown that a new class of materials, which are neither metallic nor ceramic, can efficiently catalyse the partial oxidation of butane. The results of the project, headed by Dr Shiju Raveendran of the University of Amsterdam's Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, have just been published by Angewandte Chemie. It involved researchers from six institutes in four countries. Read more.
20 November 2017.
Gadi Rothenberg of the University of Amsterdam's Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences has written an updated version of what has become the most popular textbook in catalysis, used by universities worldwide. Covering all aspects of catalysis from a green chemistry perspective, the second edition of 'Catalysis: Concepts and Green Applications' explains the principles of homogeneous, heterogeneous and biocatalysis and illustrates these with real-life industrial examples. Read more.
13 November 2017.
Prof. Gadi Rothenberg has been appointed as Senior Visiting Scholar at Fudan University, one of the top universities in China. Rothenberg is the Chair of Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry research group at the University of Amsterdam's Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) and the current head of the Sustainable Chemistry theme at HIMS. Read more.
27 September 2017.
A cyanide decomposition catalyst developed by Dr Paula Oulego, Dr Raveendran Shiju and Prof. Gadi Rothenberg at the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) is now being tested on an industrial pilot scale. Treating industrial wastewater continuously at a rate of 1000 liters per hour, the pilot is the last step before large-scale industrial application in areas such as gold mining, processing of precious metals, and steel production. Read more.
Magazine of the Royal Geographical Society, vol. 89, issue 11 (November 2017)
12 September 2017.
Chemists at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Sustainable Chemistry research priority area, together with colleagues from the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development of Utrecht University, have published the first techno-economic analysis of converting waste toilet paper into electricity. In the journal Energy Technology, they propose a two-step process and calculate a cost per kWh comparable to that of residential photovoltaic installations. Read more on Phys.org or on the UvA website in Dutch.
This news item was also featured at C2W (in Dutch) by Arjan Dijkgraaf.
28 August 2017.
Dr Ning Yan and Prof. Gadi Rothenberg of the University of Amsterdam's Sustainable Chemistry research priority area have been awarded a joint grant to research and develop new catalysts and processes for making the next generation of printed-circuit electronic boards in a project with Chinese academic and industrial partners. Read more.
23 August 2017. Phys.org
Chemists working at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Sustainable Chemistry research priority area have collaborated with the Solvay Lab of the Future in Bordeaux to develop a practical toolbox for predicting the solubility of small molecules in different solvents. These tools are available open-access and free of charge, and can enhance solvent selection and formulations of many industrial products. Read more.
13 June 2017.
Students at the University of Amsterdam's Research Priority Area Sustainable Chemistry have tripled the specific capacitance of nitrogen-doped carbons: new materials with potential applications in fast energy storage (e.g. for regenerative breaking or fast charging of cellphones). Their experiments required new pieces of equipment which were designed and produced in the lab using 3D printing. Read more.
This news item was also featured at AZoM and ScienceDaily.
6 June 2017.
Last week the Research Priority Area Sustainable Chemistry of the Van't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) welcomed over 200 experts, entrepreneurs and innovators to the conference 'Bio-Based Live Europe', co-hosted with biobasedworldnews.com. Read more.
9 May 2017.
An innovative cyanide removal catalyst invented by Dr Paula Oulego Blanco, Dr Raveendran Shiju and Prof. Gadi Rothenberg from the University of Amsterdam’s Sustainable Chemistry Research Priority Area has been shortlisted for the Emerging Technologies Competition of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). Read more.
8 May, 2017.
C&EN (vol. 95, number 19, p. 9). See pdf.
17 April 2017.
Dr Stefania Tanase Grecea and co-researchers at the University of Amsterdam’s Research Priority Area Sustainable Chemistry have demonstrated the first dual-mode humidity sensing material. Based on a lanthanide-based metal organic framework it can sense water both optically and electrically. The research was recently published in the journal Chemical Communications. Read more.
6 April 2017.
Researchers from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) have invented a new catalyst that can efficiently convert carbon dioxide (CO2) to carbon monoxide (CO). This soon-to-be patented invention enables the sustainable utilisation of CO2, a potent greenhouse gas linked to climate change. If successful on a larger scale, this invention could provide a practical way to convert CO2 to useful chemicals. Read more.
Synfacts 2016; 12(11): 1212, DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1589341, download the PDF
Arjen Dijkgraaf, C2W, 30 June 2016 (in Dutch)
17 December 2015, Sara Jerome, Water Online.
Chemists at the University of Amsterdam have discovered a new process for removing cyanide from industrial wastewater. Read more.
Gepyrolyseerd magnesiumtrinitrilo-acetaat is een prima vervanger voor platina in kathodes voor brandstofcellen. En het is eenvoudig genoeg te maken om aan grootschalige productie te denken, melden UvA-onderzoekers in 'Chemistry: A European Journal'.
Arjen Dijkgraaf, C2W, 30 November 2015.
UvA News, March 26 2015 (in English)
UvA-proces zuivert afvalwater hoogovens efficiënter, Arjen Dijkgraaf, C2W, 26 Maart 2015
Busca Mexicano con grupo científico Europeo reducir costos en la producción de azúcar
Investigacion y Desarrollo, June 30, 2014 (in Spanish)
Arjen Dijkgraaf, C2W, 12 Juni 2014 (in Dutch)
BiobasedSociety, Diederik van der Hoeven, Februari 28, 2014 (in Dutch) Click here for the English version
Science Without Borders collaboration with Brazil, February 10, 2014
Vara, Kasa Groen, January 21, 2014, 19:20
GreenNews-Techno, N°95, April 19, 2013 (in French)
Chemicalprocessing.com, April 22, 2013
Dr. Ir. Leonie Walta, De Ingenieur, 22 maart 2013 (pdf)
Harm Ikink, Kennislink.nl, 15 maart 2013 (in Dutch)
Helen Tunnicliffe, TCE Today, March 6, 2013 Get pdf
Arjen Dijkgraaf, C2W, 4 maart 2013
Arjen Dijkgraaf, C2W, 15 December 2012 (in Dutch)
10 september 2012 (in Dutch)
Lisa Brouwer, National Geographic Magazine, augustus 2012 (in Dutch)
Mona S. Rowe, @brookhaven TODAY, 12 March 2012
Harm Ikink, kennislink.nl, 6 maart 2012 (in Dutch)
Arjen Dijkgraaf, C2W, 29 februari 2012 (in Dutch)
Henk van der Aa, EenVandaag, 24 februari 2012 (Television, in Dutch)
Y. Uozumi, Y.M.A. Yamada, H. Baek, Synfacts, 2012, 8, 0103
A. Dijkgraaf, C2W, 29 oktober 2011 (in Dutch)
S.K. Ritter, Chem. Eng. News, 2011, 89, 29
Kennislink.nl, September 2011 (in Dutch)
Science.uva.nl, September 2011
Gadi Rothenberg on Hoe?zo! Radio, September 2011 (in Dutch)
Planet Earth, June 2011
ChemicalProcessing.com, April 2011
Chemie Magazine, 23 februari 2011 (in Dutch)
Jet Salomons, Trouw, 16 februari 2011 (in Dutch)
Harm Ikink, Spits, 28 januari 2011 (in Dutch)
A. Dijkgraaf, C2W, 16.05.2009 (in Dutch)
A. Turley, Chemistry & Industry, 10.05.2009
M. Jacoby, Chem. Eng. News, 2009, 87, 10
C. Barras, New Scientist, 12.05.2009
H. Birch, Chemistry World, 20.04.2009
J. Zandhuis, Het Parool, 14.02.2009 (in Dutch)
S. Houlton, Chemistry World, 2008 (August issue)
A. Duyndam, C2W, 19.04.2008 (in Dutch)
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2006, 45, 3902
Galileo, May 2006, p.20 (in Hebrew)
Chem. Eng. News, 01/05/2006
G. F. Pedersen, Bayer Norden press release, 14/03/2006
NWO press release, 17/03/2006 (in Dutch)
EC mobility headlines, 27/03/2006
NWO-CW nieuwsbrief, februari 2006, 7 (in Dutch)
EPOS - The Nuffic newsletter on international markets for higher education (03/2006)
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. ‘hot paper’ feature
Chemisch Weekblad, 2005, 21, 11 (in Dutch)
Chemical Processing, 2005, 68, 11
T. Vrijenhoek, Science’s Nextwave,10/06/2004
A. Wood, Chem. Week, 2003, 165, 24
S. Bigelman, Koteret magazine,02/2005 (in Hebrew)
Wiley-VCH press release 29/2003
G. Chin, Science, 2002, 297, 2171
R. Kurschat, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 28/8/2003
Chem. Brit., 2003, 39, 14
M. Persson, de Volkskrant, 8 maart 2003 (in Dutch)
B. Rouwe, Folia, 2003, 26, 14 (in Dutch)
D. Bradley, The Alchemist, 30 August 2001
J. A. Marshall, CHEMTRACTS–Org. Chem., 2000, 13, 265